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Build the Viewer on Windows

Step 1: Install Requirements

Required Software

Optional Software

If you're building 3rd party libs, cygwin is required

  • Cygwin - Packages: bash, curl, wget, p7zip, zip, unzip

Intermediate Check

Confirm things are installed properly so far by opening a Powershell terminal and typing:

git --version
python --version
pip --version

If everything reported sensible values and not "Command not found" errors, then you are in good shape! If the python --version command returned an error you may need to add python to your PATH

Step 2: Clone the viewer source

Open a Powershell terminal and clone the viewer source to a directory of your choosing without spaces or special characters.

cd C:\
mkdir secondlife
cd secondlife
git clone

Step 3: Setup a Python Virtual Environment

Once you've cloned the viewer source code change directories to the viewer source and create a Python virtual environment.

Virtual Environment Creation

cd C:\secondlife\alchemy-next
python3 -m venv .venv

Package Installation

Then install the following packages using the command below.

  • cmake
  • llbase
  • llsd
  • certifi
  • autobuild
pip install --upgrade cmake llbase llsd certifi autobuild

Step 4: Generate Visual Studio Projects

The next steps will create a build environment with the required packages installed.

autobuild configure -c ReleaseOS -A64 -- -DLL_TESTS=OFF

Step 5: Build the Viewer

The final command will start a viewer build and output to build-vc-64\newview\Release

autobuild build -c ReleaseOS -A64 --no-configure

Optional Step: 3rd Party Libraries

Create a directory to house the 3rd party libraries.

mkdir thirdparty
cd thirdparty

FMOD Studio

Clone the repo in your thirdparty directory

git clone
cd 3p-fmodstudio

Download fmod FMOD Engine and place it inside the C:\secondlife\thirdparty\3p-fmodstudio\fmodstudio\ directory

Build and package the library

autobuild build -A 64 --all
autobuild package -A 64

Update autobuild.xml

Upon successful build and package, you should be left with a hash and a file path. Navigate back to the main viewer source

cd C:\secondlife\alchemy-next
autobuild installables edit -a C:\secondlife\thirdparty\3p-fmodstudio\<file that was generated>