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22 posts tagged with "alchemy"

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Alchemy Release 4.0.0

· One min read
Alchemy DevOps Director

taps the mic Ahem! So after a rather long and drawn out beta period, we are pleased to announce the 4.0.0 release! There have been numerous improvements and large number of bugs that have been squashed. The beta builds have been fairly stable for most users, so we have decided to release what we have with a few fixes as a release build.

Some highlights of this Release include:

  • Updated to include all the changes up to Linden 4.0.0 with various stability and bug fixes from 4.0.1.
  • We've added an Automatic Update system to help make it easier to be on the latest Alchemy version.
  • The much requested viewer side AO.
  • Enhanced environmental tools.
  • Many small graphical tweaks and fixes to improve immersion and windlight behavior.

Alchemy Beta 4.0.0

· 2 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Hello hello, we're back with a new beta release of your favorite virtual worlds viewer, Alchemy. Did you miss us? We missed you. First of all, sorry not sorry for missing a bunch of monthly releases. Full time emloyment is usually the death of open source viewer projects, but here we are and here is Alchemy 4.0.0 Let's get down to biz now and talk about the viewer.

Alchemy Release 3.8.5

· 2 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

It's time again for a new viewer, yes it is, and we've been busy little programmers this time around. It's been a little over two months. I hope you didn't miss us. I hope you aren't outside my house right now peeking through the windows like that crazy Adele. I hope it wasn't you out there, creeping along the bushes, whispering about RLV into the dryer vent. You crazy kids sure do love your RLV! Anyway, we've been all kinds of busy making money the way only technocapitalists can which doesn't leave a lot of time for viewer development, but damn it, we made time! We made time for you, our loyal users who love filing bug reports. So what do we have for ya?

Alchemy Release 3.8.2

· 4 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Hi everyone! Ok, I know you were expecting to hear from us on Sunday since I told you monthly release in July. I hope you aren't mad. This thing came up. Don't worry, it wasn't a bug or anything. It was just... sigh... Well. I'm just going to come clean here. I had a few too many diet cokes, set the office ablaze, and our beta key was incinerated in the fire. After trying hard to replace it, we just had to give up and make 3.8.2 an official release version. Yep, hope you aren't too disappointed this one isn't another beta. Anywho, pull up a slice of carpet and let ol' aunt Cinder tell you what we've got in store for you in 3.8.2.

Alchemy Beta 3.8.1

· 2 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

So I was just roller skating down the street one day and my wheel got caught on the storm drain. I fell on my face and it hurt pretty bad. It's a good thing though, you know? Because I had the best idea in the back of the ambulance. Why don't we do monthly releases? So I brought it up to the rest of the team, and they were like, yeah we'll see. Depends how it goes, and whaddaya know. We've got Alchemy Beta 3.8.1 hot and ready like we're Little Caesar's® over here. Mmmmmm, nothing tastes as good as running an Alchemy Beta feels.

It's better than Little Caesar's® though! Instead of somewhat crusty pepperonis we've got the latest from Linden Lab. Well, I guess updates from Linden Lab are more like the cornmeal on the bottom of the crust... What do you guys think? I'm just dying to know. Leave a comment and let me know plz. Ok, so we have the cornmealy updates from Second Life 3.8.1. We've got your pepperonis in the form of much requested audio stream info. We've got your muenster cheese bug fixes sprinkled all over the damn place. We've got OpenSSL updates among other boring-to-you changes blended in with the sauce, and hey, we even through in some little sprinkle packets of Parmesan cheese just for you because we love you.

It's a $5 HOT-N-READY Beta for your consumption. Come get a slice, friends.

Alchemy Beta 3.8.0

· One min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Hey guys! It's been far too long. So what's up? How have you been? Me? Just splended, splendid. I got my macbook back thanks to the generosity and valor of you, the Alchemy userbase. In thanks, we present to you Alchemy Viewer 3.8.0 Beta.

Alchemy 3.8.0 Beta is the product of six months of work bringing both the latest releases from Linden Lab including the Experience Tools project as well as hundreds of changes and improvements from your pals, us. What changes exactly? Well, not RLV yet, that's for sure. You'll find a few surprises here and there in this release. We're gonna let it be a surprise, and there's a lot cooking in the kitchen for our major 'Release' release coming up. Stay tuned. So without further ado...

We're Not Dead

· 2 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

There have been questions recently about whether Alchemy Viewer is dead or not. This post serves as proof that we are not dead yet.... Sorry about that. The other frequent question, beside whether we will support RLV or not (and yes we will eventually in some form), is when the next release will be. You've heard the spiel before: The viewer will be ready when it's ready, the viewer is free, we all have jobs and lives and television shows that need to be watched, heads full of teeth that need brushing (unlike some viewer projects) and that all comes before volunteer projects; nobody pays us for this, and just pretend that we said something here that places direct blame on Linden Lab for the delay, not our fault. We are just simple viewer devs with enormous hearts, and we love each and every one of our users equally.

However, this is not why we haven't released the viewer yet. Those are just callous excuses from cold-hearted teams. You see, I regretfully must admit that my MacBook Pro was kidnapped right out of my arms as I slept on April 20th of this year by a covert operation team. My precious macintosh is now being held at a top-secret government facility outside of Fallon, Nevada! So while we would love to release a brand new version of Alchemy, it's simply impossible without attempting a daring rescue effort.

It's gonna take a community effort, you guys! What we need, along with my fearless sense of style and sensible shoes, is a pair of tweezers, a pair of shiny pants, a rubber chicken, a pack of Zebra Stripe chewing gum, and four strips of duct tape. If all goes well, we should have a new version of Alchemy for you soon!

Alchemy Beta 3.7.23

· 3 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Salutations and holiday greetings from the Alchemy team! We are pleased to present you with a new beta release. This release focuses mainly on bug fixes and updates, but we've managed to squeeze in a few little additions as well. Here's a short breakdown:

Alchemy Beta 3.7.19

· 5 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Woah, like woah! We are excited to see you all liking Alchemy so much. We have been working hard since last release ironing out bugs and improving the experience. This release is jam-packed with tasty goodness, and you're going to want to check it out. Here's the run down:

Alchemy Viewer's new site

· 2 min read
Alchemy DevOps Director


You may have noticed your RSS feed readers and bookmarks have been broken. If you are seeing this then congratulations, you have successfully found our new site! We have been meaning to get away from the old site for a long time but have not found the time in our daily lives. Luckily, I made some time to throw together a new system using Pelican and a theme called foundation-default-colours which you can find in the pelican-themes repo on GitHub. It uses the Zurb Foundation frontend template system. Thanks to our designer Electron, we have created a style guide that we will more or less follow. Also Font Awesome is... well... awesome.

We are in the process of putting together more tools to better assist our users in providing feedback. First, we have added Disqus to our blog. We have not filtered any words yet, but if necessary we will filter words for posts that get out of hand. This is mainly for quick comments on blog posts that we put out. Please do not use this section to file bug reports. Just our bug tracker.

We are still working hard on our next release. Please stay tuned for more updates!